Is your eating triggered by stress or emotion?

Binge eating disorder

Short Introductory Course

For people who suspect their eating may be triggered by uncomfortable feelings.

In this online program, you will learn three important things:

  • Why you cannot stop yourself from eating.
  • How emotions like anxiety, shame and frustration trigger your eating.
  • How to kick-start your recovery.

Download my Introductory Recovery Programme for £19.99 and yours to keep!

Speak with Shelley

Binge eating recovery introduction

Or, if you wish, we can add a 1 to 1 session to manage and reduce levels of overeating. I will work closely with you to uncover your obstacles to success and devise a way forward.

Click here for the Gold ‘Are You a Comfort Eater’ plan or book a brief free call.

If you already know uncomfortable feelings, experiences or trauma cause your overeating click here for support.